Saturday, August 15, 2009

How Did I Get Here?

Today, I give you a little background to help you understand where I am coming from as I start this journey back to Perfect Health....

I have been overweight my entire life and while I have lost weight in the past, I have always gained it back. This last time, I lost 60 pounds and had made major changes in how and what I ate and I was sure I would finally attain my goal weight. But then in June 2008, I began having a whole list of crazy health symptoms. In November 2008 I was finally diagnosed: Lyme Disease. From July 2008 to now, I have regained all the weight I had lost.

I have been miserable and for four months, I was basically bedbound. I felt my life was over. All my dreams were gone. I felt I offered nothing to my husband, who was doing EVERYTHING----cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kitties, taking care of ME.

In May, I had the amazing opportunity to meet Lisa Nichols and she told us about CEO Space. This was on a Wednesday and on the following Monday, I was in Reno, NV attending my first CEO Space Forum. At this forum, September Dohrmann, wife of the CEO and Founder of CEO Space, Berny Dohrmann spent some precious time with me and helped me to reframe the role of Lyme Disease in my life. I was also blessed to meet with several other people that helped me to change my thoughts about Lyme: Jacques Tombazian, Julie Ann Cohn and many others.

When I came home from CEO Space, my world began to fall apart. My husband had been laid-off. Two weeks before we were to move into a new home that we had built from the ground up, we lost the loan---so we had two weeks to find a new place to live and also mentally deal with not moving into our home. After moving, I became very ill as I had overdone myself trying to help Suresh, my husband, with the move. Then I attempted to work to help bring in did not work.

Because of our new financial situation, I was not able to go to the CEO Space Forum in July and I was very bummed out about this. However, it turns out that I didn't need to go. I only needed to go to the local meeting here in Houston. For it was there that I met Michael Morningstar. Actually, it was my husband who met Michael and told him that he needed to meet me because I could help him with technology and Social Media.

And so Michael and I spoke. As we talked, we realized how we could help each other. And so now it starts. Officially, I would say that my transformation began Friday, August 14, 2009.

This will be a long journey, no doubt. But you are getting in at the very beginning, the best time to join in !!

Next post, I will talk about my experiences over the last week...leading up to the "first day of the rest of my life."

To Your Greatness and Your Perfect Health,


Announcing a Perfect Alliance!

I am so very excited to share with you a partnership that has been created between myself and my husband, Suresh, and an excellent Transformational Life Coach, Michael Morningstar! Michael is the Great NEWS Coach and he focuses not just on one area of life, but on Nutrition, Emotions, Wellness and Success. Check out his website for all his credentials: or just click on the Title of this blog!

I had the pleasure of meeting Michael at a local CEO Space meeting in July and it was there that an idea was born. I am going to be working with Micheal and while this may be not such an earth-shattering announcement, the fact that I will be sharing everything with you is!

You see, I will be chronicling my journey on this blog and also in a video blog. I already have my YouTube channel set up (KcBala77) and it's just waiting for my first video!! How fun this is!

I am going to be learning Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Michael has many, many other tools in his tool chest to help me deal with all the emotional baggage I've been carrying around for YEARS.

Michael is also going to be teaching me about nutrition, raw foods and other important ways to take care of my body, my mind and my spirit.

I am very excited about the journey I am embarking on. Follow with me. Let's learn together how to live a life of Perfect Health, despite Lyme Disease or any other issues I, or anyone else, may be dealing with.

To Your Greatness and Perfect Health!


Monday, August 3, 2009

What's it like to live with Lyme Disease?

People often do not understand just what I deal with every day as an individual who is currently dealying with Lyme Disease.

Often people think I am being lazy or just making excuses--especially when they see me on a good day and two hours or a day later, I can't even get out of bed.

It is very difficult for me to explain concisely what it is like dealing with Lyme. However, I found two things that help somewhat. The first is a documentary called, "Under Our Skin."

The second is an article written by Christine Miserandino and can be found on a website for Lupus, which incidentally is very similar in symptoms to Lyme Disease. I cannot reprint the article here but I can put up the link. I hope you will check out the article. It is only two pages, but it explains a lot.

To Your Greatness,


Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Top Tools of Personal Development are FREE!

I could not sleep last night. All excited about my blog, I guess! :-P

Since I could not sleep, I decided to try meditating...just for a few minutes. I actually meditate an hour every day, but I cheat (more about that in another post perhaps) so this time I wanted to truly try to meditate---you know, just focus on my breathe, nothing else.

While attempting to do this, it occured to me that all the things that really work for personal development are FREE! Of course there are many books, tapes, seminars, coaches, etc. out there that can--and do--help us; however, there are also many things that one can do with absolutely no monetary outgo. For example:

1. Meditation: The kind where you simplly focus on your breathe and continue to bring your mind back to your breathe as it wanders, which it will. Your mind, that is! If your breathe wonders, you have other issues! (FYI: After several attempts last night, I finally did meditate for about 8 minutes--and then I went quite peacefully to sleep!)

2. Deep Breathing: Again, focusing on breathe here. Count slowly to five as you inhale. Feel the air coming into your body, filling up your lungs. Count slowly down from five to one as you exhale, paying attention to the outgo of breathe. You may even say something for each inhale and exhale, such as "accepting" when inhaling and "releasing" when exhaling.

3. Walking: Another excellent form of meditation! Also a great way to get the creative juices flowing. And science has shown that it can actually boost our mood too. When I was lost and confused (I'm talking mentally and emotionally here. If I were physically lost, then I'd need a map or a GPS!) a simple walk around the block helped me see possibilities I could not while sitting at home. And oh yeah, let's not forget the obvious health benefits of this one!

4. Declarations/Affirmations: We all remember Saturday Night Live and, "I'm good enough. I'm smart enough and gosh darn it, people like me!" How hokey, I know, but affirmations really can work. Try saying them to yourself in the mirror. This is NOT easy, but very worth it. You may even want to try something as simple as, "Your Name, I love you." Or, "Good Morning! Today is going to be a great (awesome, excellent, unbelievable) day." In fact, you can even say something to yourself just before you go to bed, such as, "I will experience deep and restful sleep and awake tomorrow morning full of energy and ready to start the day." I've done this and it is often a self-fullfilling prophecy. But that's the point of affirmations. You say them enough, your brain believes them. So please, choose your words carefully and always speak positively--no negatives in declarations and affirmations!

5. Books: I mentioned books earlier as costing money, but they can be free too. Your local library is truly an awesome place. Check it out...they aren't as stuffy as they used to be. There are multitudes of titles out there to cover any area you yearn to understand or improve about yourself (maybe I'll do a post of my favorites another time). You can even get DVDs there too--movies, of course, but you can also try a new exercise DVD.

6. Journaling: Gone are the days of, "I caught Johnny looking at me during Social Studies class." Journaling can free us of burdens, light the way through murky waters and even help us figure out what step to take next. And there is no right or wrong way. That's the point: you just write. Whatever comes, just write it. If you do this regularly, you will be surprised at what you find out about yourself. If you don't want to use a pen and paper, use a pc--heck, you can even blog!

All of these ideas are things we must do regularly. If you try to do it all at once, you're setting yourself up for failure. So just try one. For a week. See how you like it. And, of course, they are all adaptable to what works for YOU.

These are trying times for many of us and finances are a large strain for many as well. Yet we cannot forget the importance of our own mental and emotional health. Now is the time to stretch ourselves and grow. What better way to do that than to take time for ourselves?

To Your Greatness,


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Testing 1...2...3!

Hey all! Hola! Bonjour! Valve (is that hello or goodbye, I don't remember!)! Namaste!

Okay, you get the point.

At any rate...this is a test. This is ONLY a test. If this were real, you would be asked to take off your clothes and dance naked in your living room with all the lights on and the blinds up!

Signing off for now,

To Your Greatness,